MP3 Normalizer

MP3 Normalizer is used to normalize the volume of the MP3 and WAV files.


MP3 Normalizer is a program designed to normalize the volume of the MP3 and WAV files.
This serves as a great help to regulate some audio files when sound volume varies too much.

Its usage is extremely simple; you only have to add the files into the main list or drag them to the program, and these will appear separated by rows with a checkbox to select which files you want to normalize.

You can choose the percentage of normalization with the "Value" field, which ranges from 1% to 100%. After selecting this value, you need to choose where to save the new files. It's recommended to use a different folder instead of the source folder.

Once everything is ready you can click on "Normalize", which will show a nag-message about registering the application if you're running the demo version. Just click on "Continue" and you can proceed without any restrictions. It will show the progress status of the normalization.

The trial version allows only to convert 10 files, after that you'll have to buy the program to continue using it.


  • Perfect for those files that have variant volume
  • Very easy to use
  • Process is done pretty quickly


  • It's unable to process audio inside video files
This program received 5 awards
Mp3 Soft
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